The project at Rhyl Botanical Gardens for Denbighshire County Council comprised of the design and construction of a new build Depot for the council workers which incorporated a wash facility, staff area, kitchen, store, and toilets into a new building within the grounds of the Botanical Garden team Depot. The government funded facility now provides the staff with an additional welcoming, multi use space to use as a sheltered, warm area to eat and use on their breaks.
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Ysgol Feithrin, Ysgol Glan Conwy
The project at Ysgol Glan Conwy for Conwy County Borough Council comprised of the design and construction of a new build Early Years Playgroup facility (Ysgol Feithrin/Nursery School) which incorporated a classroom facility, staff area, kitchen, store, and toilets into a new building within the school grounds.
Ysgol Glan Conwy remained occupied and operational throughout the project. Labour was strategically increased out of term time when required to maximise
productivity whilst minimising disturbance to the day-to-day operation of the school.
Throughout the project our Community Liaison Officer, Gwenan Roberts, was in regular contact with the school to promote community development activities.
Multiple events were held with the school including:
• Site visits with groups of early years and school children – prior to the installation of all internal finishes, they painted their hand prints on the walls.
• Multiple groups of school children toured the site with the Site Manager, Stephen Jones, who gave them insight into the construction of the new building.
• Multiple curriculum based projects/activities were also held with classes of children.