In Summary

The Community Benefits / Social Value Focus of the NWCP

The North Wales Construction Partnership (NWCP) isn’t just about bricks and mortar. NWCP aim to create a lasting positive impact alongside new buildings and infrastructure.

The North Wales Construction Partnership has developed strong collaborative working processes with clients, contractors, employment support providers and voluntary organisations/social enterprises to address a number of Future Generations themes including a more prosperous Wales, a more equal Wales, cohesive communities and vibrant Welsh culture. By focusing on benefits to the local community, the NWCP goes beyond construction projects.

With an increased focus on the delivery of social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being through the way in which the Public Sector manages its procurement activities. NWCP strengthens social partnership through the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 goals as well as delivering against its goals.

The NWCP Team manages a variety of Key Performance Indicators to ensure that Contractors on the Framework meet the appropriate standards.

Delivering Community Benefits/Social Value is pivotal to NWCP, with a view to unlocking wider economic, social, environmental and cultural impacts as expected via the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act,, as such all projects procured through NWCP will include Community Benefits/Social Value, and other KPI’s.

Wellbeing of Future Generations Act

The NWCP’s social value focus aligns perfectly with the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations Act. This groundbreaking legislation compels public bodies to consider the long-term social, environmental, cultural, and economic impacts of their decisions. By prioritising social value, the NWCP ensures construction projects contribute to a healthier, more equitable, and resilient North Wales for generations to come.

& Community

The North Wales Construction Partnership (NWCP) builds more than just buildings. We focus on social value by supporting local communities and promoting sustainable practices. This aligns with the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

NWCP encourages and supports workforce development at all levels to include contractors, clients, supply chain and the local community, this enables us to make a difference in the communities and deliver best value. As such NWCP have partnered with National Association Construction Frameworks, Supply Chain School, and CITB.

NWCP are Delivering

Excellence & Opportunity

Crucially, the NWCP uses community-focused KPIs to track progress. They encourage partnerships with local businesses, create work experience placements, and support initiatives that benefit the community. By tracking these metrics, the NWCP ensures the community efforts made by contractors and other stakeholders are making a tangible difference to the people of North Wales.

Work placements
Jobs created
Careers events - not in education
Training weeks for New entrants apprenticeships
Training weeks for New entrants Traineeships or equivalent
Training weeks for New entrants technical or higher level qualifications
Qualifications Achieved
Short duration courses
Training Plans
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